Saturday, 23 June 2007

Interpreting the past with Karl Barth

The excellent Karl Barth Blog Conference has come to an end. Travis should be congratulated for conceiving and organising this project. He did a great job – and, happily, he’s planning to organise a similar event next year.

I’ve written a concluding post, which you can read here. And if you want to read the best part of the whole series, then be sure to check out David’s excellent discussion of Barth and Hegel.


W. Travis McMaken said...

Thanks, Ben, for spreading the word about the conference and for providing the concluding remarks. Many thanks to all those who wrote and stopped by. It was a lot of fun for me to do. Here's to next year!

David W. Congdon said...

Thanks for your kind words, Ben!

WTM said...

Thanks, Ben, for spreading the word about the conference and for providing the concluding remarks. Many thanks to all those who wrote and stopped by. It was a lot of fun for me to do. Here's to next year!

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