Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Johannine blogging?

I have been troubled by this for a long time, and it’s high time I said something. Why are there no Johannine blogs? There is a very fine website for Johannine studies, but as far as I know there are no biblioblogs devoted to the Gospel or epistles of John.

Various biblioblogs focus on specialised New Testament topics: there are blogs on the historical Jesus, Mark, Luke-Acts, Paul, Romans, the pastoral epistles, and so on. But nothing on the Gospel of John, Johannine theology or the Johannine community! The closest I know of is Alan Bandy’s excellent blog on the Apocalypse (and in a certain sense you might call this a Johannine blog).

Are there no Gospel of John specialists who blog? Not even at Sheffield? Should we petition Alan Culpepper to start a blog?

I for one love the Gospel of John, and I would be immensely interested in reading a specialised Johannine blog. If there’s one out there that I’m not aware of, then please let me know!

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