Monday, 10 October 2005

International Journal of Systematic Theology: Yves Congar

The new issue of the International Journal of Systematic Theology is devoted to the theology of French Dominican theologian Yves Congar, and to the influential theological movement known as the nouvelle théologie. The essays were originally presented at a conference at Cambridge University in December 2004, where theologians from the UK and the US met to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Congar. Here are the essays (all available online through Blackwell Synergy):

A. N. Williams, “The Future of the Past: The Contemporary Significance of the Nouvelle Théologie

Brian Daley, “The Nouvelle Théologie and the Patristic Revival: Sources, Symbols and the Science of Theology”

James Hanvey, “In the Presence of Love: The Pneumatological Realization of the Economy: Yves Congar’s Le Mystère du Temple

John Webster, “Purity and Plenitude: Evangelical Reflections on Congar’s Tradition and Traditions

Karen Kilby, “Aquinas, the Trinity and the Limits of Understanding”

Denys Turner, “How to Read the Pseudo-Denys Today?”

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