Saturday, 16 December 2006

In Mary's song of praise and peace

by Kim Fabricius

(Tune: University)

In Mary’s song of praise and peace
    we call “Magnificat,”
a peasant maiden mocked the claims
    of earth’s proud plutocrats.

An angel whispered, “You’re the one
    who’ll carry heaven’s child.”
The girl, in fearful faith, said “Yes!”
    but barely forced a smile.

She went to see a kindred soul,
    who praised what God would do;
yet Mary felt a deep unease
    about the coming coup.

But then she paused and prayed and thought,
    “Why am I full of doubt?
The Lord is good, I’ll trust his ways,
    though they seem roundabout.”

Her heart welled up, it overflowed
    with firm, determined joy,
because the Lord would save the world
    through such a subtle ploy.

“The poor will eat, parade the streets,”
    she sang, “and bands will play;
the pity is, with empty hands,
    the rich will rue the day.”

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderrful, Kim. Kate Sanders, a very talented musician in our church, has written a contemporary version of the Magnificat and sings it every year. I'll get her to send it to me and post the lyrics here.
Together with her husband, Paul Whitely, Jr. (a seminary trained labor organizer), Kate is part of the singing duo, "Down to Earth" (a name Byron of "Nothing New Under the Sun" will appreciate) and they are cutting their first CD soon. I'll let folks know when they can hear the wonderful music that goes with her Magnificat.

I hope your poem gets wide publicity Kim. Thanks for posting it, Ben!

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