Highlights of 2006
Here are some of my personal choices for the highlights of 2006:
Best theology book (academic): Paul J. DeHart, The Trial of the Witnesses: The Rise and Decline of Postliberal Theology (Blackwell, 2006)
Best theology book (popular): N. T. Wright, Simply Christian (SPCK, 2006)
Best journal article: Bruce L. McCormack, “Karl Barth’s Christology as a Resource for a Reformed Version of Kenoticism,” IJST 8:3 (2006), 243-51
Best new theology blog: Nothing New under the Sun
Best novel: Michael Cox, The Meaning of Night (John Murray, 2006)
Best TV series: Bleak House
Best film: Alfonso Cuarón, Children of Men
Best album: Bob Dylan, Modern Times
Best place visited: Cabarita Beach, New South Wales
Hi Ben,
What about favourite blog entry (both yours and others)?
Hope your holiday break is refreshing.
i must say, ben, that modern times does not come close to measuring up to old crow medicine show's big iron world. i love dylan, and that is the album he should have made, not modern times.
Yes, yes, yes...thank you for mentioning Children of Men, which was brilliant filmmaking and has not, perhaps will not, get the attention it deserves.
Thanks for the wrap! I'm glad you've enjoyed it.
I received Bleak House DVDs for Christmas and just started reading the novel in preparation. It's a bit of a brick - been a while since I read any Dickens, but it's fun.
I first clicked into this blog through another's trusted reference, and found myself grinning at this post - The Meaning of Night gets a thumbs up.
But then I clicked your profile and something even more interesting caught my eye - dark chocolate and espresso. A kindred spirit. Do you prefer dark beer as well? Not that this is a drinking party, but in my experience (limited as it is) those preferences run together.
I will be clicking in more often. It is refreshing to find other minds at work in cyberspace.
Good to hear from you, Kathryn. Yes, you've got me all figured out: along with dark chocolate and espresso, I'm devoted to Guinness!
Congrats Byron! And hooray, some Dickens fans :) Bleak House is a magnificent book - haven't got around to watching the adaptation, but it is well worth the effort of reading. It's certainly one of my favourites.
I'm gratified to learn that the excellent BBC dramatisation of Bleak House, which was broadcast in the UK prior to Christmas 2005 is now available worldwide. How's that for cultural imperialism?
Interesting choice. FYI, Bleak house is not even in the list of contenders in the ranking for "Best TV series ever" on rankopedia.com.
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