Books for review
Books for review may be sent to the following address:
Dr. Matthew Wilcoxen
Church of the Resurrection
807 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
F&T book reviews include the following:
- Agamben, Giorgio. What Is an Apparatus? (Stanford UP, 2009)
- Anatolios, Khaled. Athanasius: The Coherence of His Thought (Routledge, 1998)
- Anatolios, Khaled (ed.). Athanasius (Routledge, 2004)
- Anderson, Ray S. An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches (IVP, 2006)
- Anderson, Ray S. Exploration into God: Sermonic Meditations on the Book of Ecclesiastes (Wipf & Stock, 2006)
- Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics, New Digital Edition (Logos, 2008)
- Barth, Karl. Fifty Prayers (WJKP, 2008)
- Barth, Karl. God in Action: Theological Addresses (Wipf & Stock, 2005)
- Barth, Karl. The Word in This World: Two Sermons by Karl Barth, ed. Kurt I. Johanson (Regent College, 2007)
- Barth, Karl. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wipf & Stock, 2003)
- Bell, Rob. Love Wins (Harper, 2011)
- Bird, Michael F. The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective (Paternoster, 2007)
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Barcelona, Berlin, New York: 1928-1931 (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 10; Fortress, 2008)
- Boeve, Lieven. God Interrupts History: Theology in a Time of Upheaval (Continuum, 2007)
- Bultmann, Rudolf. Theologie als Kritik: Ausgewählte Rezensionen und Forschungsberichte, ed. Matthias Dreher and Klaus W. Müller (Mohr Siebeck, 2002)
- Burgess, Andrew. The Ascension in Karl Barth (Ashgate, 2004)
- Chalamet, Christophe. Dialectical Theologians: Wilhelm Herrmann, Karl Barth and Rudolf Bultmann (TVZ, 2005)
- Chan, Simon. Grassroots Asian Theology (IVP, 2014)
- Chung, Meehyun (ed.). Breaking Silence: Theology from Asian Women (ISPCK/EATWOT, 2006)
- Clayton, Philip and Paul Davies (eds). The Re-Emergence of Emergence: The Emergentist Hypothesis from Science to Religion (Oxford UP, 2006)
- Clough, David. Ethics in Crisis: Interpreting Barth’s Ethics (Ashgate, 2005)
- Clough, David. On Animals: Volume 1 (T&T Clark, 2014)
- Dalferth, Ingolf U., Johannes Fischer, and Hans-Peter Großhans (eds). Denkwürdiges Geheimnis: Beiträge zur Gotteslehre: Festschrift für Eberhard Jüngel zum 70. Geburtstag (Mohr Siebeck, 2004)
- Danielson, Dennis. Paradise Lost: Parallel Prose Edition (Regent College, 2008)
- Davies, Oliver, Paul D. Janz, and Clemens Sedmak. Transformation Theology: Church in the World (T&T Clark, 2007)
- Dawn, Maggi. The Writing on the Wall: High Art, Popular Culture and the Bible (Hodder & Stoughton, 2010)
- Dawson, R. Dale. The Resurrection in Karl Barth (Ashgate, 2007)
- DeHart, Paul J. The Trial of the Witnesses: The Rise and Decline of Postliberal Theology (Blackwell, 2006)
- DeYoung, Rebecca Konyndyk. Rebecca DeYoung: Glittering Vices: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies (Brazos, 2009)
- Dyrness, William and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, eds. Global Dictionary of Theology (IVP, 2008)
- Eichhorn, Mathias. Es wird regiert! Der Staat im Denken Karl Barths und Carl Schmitts in den Jahren 1919 bis 1938 (Duncker & Humblot, 1994)
- Erskine, Noel Leo. From Garvey to Marley: Rastafari Theology (University Press of Florida, 2005)
- Fabricius, Kim. Paddling by the Shore (Bethel United Reformed Church, 2007)
- Franke, John. Barth for Armchair Theologians (WJKP, 2006)
- George, Timothy (ed.). God the Holy Trinity: Reflections on Christian Faith and Practice (Baker, 2006)
- Gockel, Matthias. Barth and Schleiermacher on the Doctrine of Election: A Systematic-Theological Comparison (Oxford UP, 2006)
- The Green Bible (Harper, 2008)
- Green, Joel et al. (eds). Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 2nd edition (IVP, 2013)
- Grenz, Stanley J. Reason for Hope: The Systematic Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg (Eerdmans, 2005)
- Gunton, Colin. The Barth Lectures (T&T Clark, 2007)
- Helm, Paul. John Calvin’s Ideas (Oxford UP, 2004)
- Hicks, Douglas A. and Mark Valeri, eds. Global Neighbors: Christian Faith and Moral Obligation in Today's Economy (Eerdmans, 2008)
- Jenson, Matt. The Gravity of Sin: Augustine, Luther and Barth on homo incurvatus in se (T&T Clark, 2007)
- Jenson, Robert W. and Solveig Lucia Gold. Conversations with Poppi about God: An Eight-Year-Old and Her Theologian Grandfather Trade Questions (Brazos Press, 2006)
- Jenson, Robert W. Lutheran Slogans: Use and Abuse (ALPB, 2011)
- Journal of Theological Interpretation (Eisenbrauns, 2007)
- Kerr, Fergus. Twentieth-Century Catholic Theologians (Blackwell, 2007)
- Kim, Young-Gwan. Karl Barth’s Reception in Korea: Focusing on Ecclesiology in Relation to Korean Christian Thought (Peter Lang 2003)
- Kotsko, Adam. Žižek and Theology (T&T Clark, 2008)
- Lindsay, Mark R. Barth, Israel, and Jesus: Karl Barth’s Theology of Israel (Ashgate, 2007)
- Longman, Tremper and Peter Enns (eds). Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and Writings (IVP, 2008)
- Lüdemann, Gerd. Das Jesusbild des Papstes: Über Joseph Ratzingers kühnen Umgang mit den Quellen (zu Klampen, 2007)
- MacDonald, Neil B. Metaphysics and the God of Israel: Systematic Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Baker, 2006)
- McCabe, Herbert. Faith within Reason (Continuum, 2007)
- McCormack, Bruce (ed.). Engaging the Doctrine of God: Contemporary Protestant Perspectives (Baker, 2008)
- McCormack, Bruce. Orthodox and Modern: Studies in the Theology of Karl Barth (Baker, 2008)
- McDougall, Joy Ann. Pilgrimage of Love: Moltmann on the Trinity and Christian Life (Oxford UP, 2005)
- McFarland, Ian. From Nothing: A Theology of Creation (WJK 2014)
- McGrath, Alister. A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology (WJKP, 2009)
- McGrath, Alister. Thomas F. Torrance: An Intellectual Biography (T&T Clark, 1999)
- Markschies, Christoph. Christian Theology and Its Institutions in the Early Roman Empire (Baylor UP 2015)
- Menke-Peitzmeyer, Michael. Subjektivität und Selbstinterpretation des dreifaltigen Gottes: Eine Studie zur Genese und Explikation des Paradigmas “Selbstoffenbarung Gottes” in der Theologie Karl Barths (Aschendorff, 2002)
- Metzger, Paul Louis (ed.). Trinitarian Soundings in Systematic Theology (T&T Clark, 2005)
- Milbank, John. The Mercurial Wood: Sites, Tales, Qualities (Salzburg, 1997)
- Molnar, Paul D. Incarnation and Resurrection: Toward a Contemporary Understanding (Eerdmans, 2007)
- Nimmo, Paul. Being in Action: The Theological Shape of Barth's Ethical Vision (T&T Clark, 2007)
- Noll, Mark and Carolyn Nystrom. Is the Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism (Baker, 2005)
- Pekarske, Daniel. Abstracts of Karl Rahner's Theological Investigations 1-23 (Marquette University Press, 2002)
- Pekarske, Daniel. Abstracts of Karl Rahner's Unserialized Essays (Marquette University Press, 2009)
- Perry, Tim. Mary for Evangelicals: Toward an Understanding of the Mother of Our Lord (IVP, 2006)
- Pomazansky, Michael. Orthodox Dogmatic Theology: A Concise Exposition (St Herman Press, 2005)
- Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship (Brazos, 2012)
- Radosh, Daniel. Rapture Ready! Adventures in the Parallel Universe of Christian Pop Culture (Scribner, 2008)
- Ramachandra, Vinoth. Subverting Global Myths: Theology and the Public Issues Shaping Our World (IVP, 2008)
- Richardson, Kurt Anders. Reading Karl Barth: New Directions for North American Theology (Baker, 2004)
- Ricks, Thomas. Early Arabic Contributions to Trinitarian Theology (Fortress, 2014)
- Robinson, Marilynne. Gilead (Farrar, 2004)
- Sauter, Gerhard. Protestant Theology at the Crossroads: How to Face the Crucial Tasks for Theology in the Twenty-First Century (Eerdmans, 2007)
- Short, Robert L. The Parables of Dr Seuss (WJKP, 2008)
- Sonderegger, Katherine. Systematic Theology, Volume 1 (Fortress, 2015)
- Spong, John Shelby. Jesus for the Non-Religious (HarperCollins, 2007)
- Vanhoozer, Kevin. The Drama of Doctrine: A Canonical-Linguistic Approach to Christian Theology (WJKP, 2005)
- Vanhoozer, Kevin. First Theology: God, Scripture and Hermeneutics (IVP, 2002)
- Volf, Miroslav. The End of Memory: Remembering Rightly in a Violent World (Eerdmans, 2006)
- de Vries, Hent and Lawrence E. Sullivan (eds). Political Theologies: Public Religions in a Post-Secular World (Fordham University Press, 2006)
- Webster, John. Barth’s Earlier Theology: Four Studies (T&T Clark, 2005)
- Webster, John. Confessing God: Essays in Christian Dogmatics II (T&T Clark, 2005)
- Wannenwetsch, Bernd (ed.). Who Am I? Bonhoeffer's Theology Through His Poetry (T&T Clark, 2009)
- Wright, N. T. Simply Christian (SPCK, 2006)