CASE in the academy
The Australian institute CASE has just put out the latest issue of its quarterly magazine. It’s packed with good stuff, including articles on Alfred Kinsey, Stephanie Dowrick, Bono and Nick Cave, and theology and evolution (and a short piece by me on humanism). The definite highlight is the essay by Matheson Russell: “Why Concepts Can’t Always Be Trusted: On Deconstruction and Reformation,” Case 8 (2005), 12-15. Russell argues for the theological significance of phenomenology, and he presents one of the most lucid, most engaging and most accessible introductions to postmodernism that I’ve come across.
CASE is the Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education. It’s hosted by New College at the University of New South Wales, and it promotes “apologetic scholarship” in the best and broadest sense—i.e., scholarship that engages constructively with contemporary thought across the whole spectrum of academic disciplines.
Apologetics! That sound you heard was Barth sighing in disbelief that one of his disciples is engaged in such a thing!
True. But Brunner is grinning from ear to ear.
Hi Ben,
Came across your blog, it's great! I'll be returning here more often .
Ben Myers, writing an entry in a journal on apologetics! I can't believe it!! What would Karl Barth say!!!
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