Here and there
Carolina García (an educator in Mexico City) has translated Kim’s propositions on the literal and the literary into Spanish: Diez pensamientos: de literales y literarios.
David Congdon is hosting a Balthasar blog conference, David Walsh explains his soft spot for Karl Rahner, Scott posts a detailed John Howard Yoder bibliography, and Michael (God bless him) has been reading a bit of Bultmann.
And on the IVP blog, Dan Reid catalogues the many forms of reviewer slothfulness – one of my favourites: “I have a deep-seated need to show my superiority, not least in my area of expertise. And so I will point out certain small but unforgivable failings in this book that will subtly cast it in a bad light.”
Somewhere in the Church Dogmatics, Karl Barth refers to a theologian who died from a scathing review of his work. Barth’s response is that the deceased “had no right to do so” – if you die from a review, you are clearly taking your own theology far too seriously!
Thanks for the extra publicity, Ben. It looks like I have a solid line-up of contributors. Of course, if you have any interest, I always have room for one more ... :)
I assume Michael is to be blessed because he has finally started reading Bultmann? Or is he just generally in need of blessing?
Byron: no, I just pronounce blessings on anyone who takes the trouble to read Bultmann!
I suspect Bultmann (like Rahner in Catholic circles) is one of those characters who is so well known, and so routinely condemned, that we always feel as though we've already read them. And that's why actually reading them is always a virtue!
Incidentally, this could make a nice meme: "The worst theologian I've never read is..."
Ben, I reckon you can't finish that sentence because there is no theologian you've never read.
Hi Jonathan. I'm glad you feel that way -- it proves that I'm an excellent bluffer!
Byron, I HAVE read Bultmann before you know!
But, I am still waiting to have the scales fall from my eyes so that I may see what Ben sees in him...
Benjamin: Thank you for link to Teologia Sin Nombre. (Theology Without Name) Our sister Carolina Garcia from Mexico has translated into Spanish.
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