Saturday, 15 May 2010

Younger than that now

It's been ages since my last link round-up – so some of these posts are getting a bit long in the tooth, but they're still well worth checking out:


Chris Smith said...

The second part of the review of RADICAL ECUMENICITY: ... JOHN HOWARD YODER is available here:

This part of the review includes Nate Kerr's reviews of the two Yoder essays in the book.

Chris Smith
The Englewood Review of Books

Unknown said...

stupid question du jour: is Markus Barth related to Karl?

kim fabricius said...

Markus (1919-1994) was Karl's second child and the first of three sons. He was a fine NT scholar, teaching in the US for about twenty years, writing excellent commentaries on Colossians and Ephesians, and, with his social and ecumenical understanding of justification, anticipating the New Perspectives on Paul.

Ben Myers said...

Thanks Chris, I've added the link to Nate's review.

Ben, another thing to note about Markus Barth: his work on baptism in the NT had a very significant influence on his father's doctrine of baptism (CD IV/4).

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