Monday, 31 May 2010

Calvin's opera omnia online

As Jim West recently pointed out, the complete set of Calvin's Opera Omnia is now freely available online, thanks to the wonderful Hekman Library. This is really invaluable – for some time now, these volumes have been all but impossible to get hold of. While you're over there, be sure to check out some of the Hekman Library's other great resources – the site is an absolute treasure trove. They have patristics, medieval theology, reformation theology (including stacks of Luther), early modern theology, early modern philosophy, theological encyclopedias, and a lot more. (In fact, I just noticed that they also have the complete set of the Parker Society English reformation volumes: magnificent!)


kim fabricius said...

Geez, I looked at the picture and thought Ben was blogging on Nosferatu. (Some, of course, will think he is.)

Jim said...


to ben- yes it's fantastic isn't it. so much we couldn't access before now.

Brandon Jones said...

Thanks for the publicity Ben. I know that my colleagues at CTS, Jordan, Todd, and Albert have worked hard on this project. It will definitely aid scholars for years to come.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks for plugging this Ben. It's an exciting update.

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