Saturday, 31 March 2007

A Palm Sunday hymn: Jesus Goes from Jericho

A hymn by Kim Fabricius

(Tune: Yankee Doodle went to town)

Jesus goes from Jericho,
    behind him Bartimaeus;
next stop town of Bethany,
    the last will be Emmaus.

    Praise to Jesus – wave your palms! –
    masterful in meekness,
    Prince of Peace who comes unarmed
    and wins the world through weakness!

Jesus nears Jerusalem
    and looks upon the city,
sees it won’t give peace a chance
    and weeps a tear of pity.

Jesus sends two friends ahead
    to get a donkey ready;
at the city gates the mood
    is cheerful, charged and heady.

Jesus enters on the colt,
    the crowd goes wild with cheering,
waving branches, spreading cloaks,
    no hint of mutineering.

Jesus sees some Pharisees,
    their faces pursed and pouting;
“Were the people dumb,” he says,
    “the pavement would be shouting!”

So begins the Holy Week,
    a day of benediction;
who would ever have believed
    by Friday – crucifixion.


jedidiah said...

That was fantastic. the last stanza especially.

Anonymous said...

This is a truly beautiful hymn. I loved the last stanza too.

Today, I reflect on Jesus' indirect (?) comparative comment to the Pharisees and of Jerusalem [where there are others who think like the Pharisees]-
"If these were silent, the stones would shout out."
And of Jerusalem he said, "If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace!"

I wonder just where we are today, and how we either switch sides or remain the same come Friday.

Thanks for sharing this hymn. Keep us your great work. I enjoy spending time here.

Anonymous said...

oops..keep *up* your great work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hymn. I love 'masterful in meekness', 'wins the world through weakness'.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hymn. I love 'masterful in meekness', 'wins the world through weakness'.

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