Tom Wright, folk singer
Who would have guessed that Tom Wright was not only an accomplished writer, speaker and bishop, but also (and most importantly) a folk singer?
At the opening of a recent lecture, the Bishop of Durham strapped on an acoustic guitar, and delivered a very nice rendition of Bob Dylan’s 1963 song, “Blowin’ in the Wind.” Brian Brown has the details, and you can listen to both the song and the lecture here.
The Bishop of Durham doing a gig, tribute to Bob Dylan, the song that made me politically and morally aware as a teenager, and a very good discussion on global and local poverty, and the moral outspokenness of one of our finest church leaders. Thanks for the post and the link.
Get out of town!
What would Benny say?
And he's absolutely terrible! Wow, that is bad! Thanks for the good laugh.
G'day R.O. -- "absolutely terrible"? Come on now, how many Anglican bishops do you know of who could do a better job?
In light of the Pope's recent words in his book on JPII, this probably will be a step back in Anglican-Catholic ecumenical dialogue.
Good point, David. Singing nuns are one thing, but bishops? Anglican orders are now null and void X 2!
A new perspective on Dylan eh? Freaky.
Bishop Wright sang a song at the Wycliffe College convocation last year in Toronto. He was on acoustic guitar (and lead vocals) and was accompanied by some student musicians. If I remember correctly, it was an original song that he composed.
"How many years before the real return from exile...the answer my fellow blowing in the wind."
Ben, I think you need to do a new "Theology of Bod Dylan" post with different theologians renditions of some of his lyrics. Maybe pick a famous one and then reconstruct it along all the different thinker's lines.
Do it.
We know what Ratzinger thinks of "prophet" Bob... What does he think of Bishop Wright?
Can anyone provide an updated link? This one has expired :-(
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