Here and there
Over at Levellers, Michael talks about theology and popular culture, and he also interviews our friend Patrik. Halden reviews one of my favourite little theology books, Robert W. Jenson’s Story and Promise (which will, mirabile dictu, soon be coming back into print), while Michael Jensen talks about Rowan Williams’ view of “orthodoxy”. Guy Davies highlights some issues in conservative Reformed dogmatics; and for those who’ve purchased Barth’s Church Dogmatics, Chris Rice presents the CD challenge.
Meanwhile, David Congdon asks whether science could ever disprove Christian belief, while LeRon Shults asks why Radical Orthodoxy is more popular in America than in northern Europe. Aaron points out that a new issue of the Australian EJournal of Theology has been released (including an article on Karl Rahner’s trinitarian theology); and Chris alerts us to an interesting new book on christology by Oliver Crisp.
Finally, the ever-cheeky Chris Tilling responds to my Bultmann poem with his own humorous poem, which includes some interesting rhymes:
You see, in an age of electricity and light switches,
Those stories of angels and demons left him in stitches,
And so he pursued a course of demythologising,
But his results were for some unpleasantly surprising.
I don’t know about you, but that’s the first time I’ve ever seen a rhyme on “demythologising” (I suppose “agonising” would be another option)….
What about "Lessing"?
ever listened to the apocalypic goth rock Saviour Machine? That guy rhymes most every word ending in "tion". Devastation, Abomination, Desolation. It's all one big nursery rhyme!
My favorite exhibit of surprising rhyme and meter is in "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service". For example:
In the beginning was the Word
Superfetation of to ev,
And the mensual turn of time
Produced enervate Origen.
The sabele presbyters approach
The avenue of penitence;
The young are red and pustular
Clutching piaculative pence.
That would have been much better.
Alas, no poem can be 100% perfect in everyway ... ;-)
The best rhyme ever is from The Smith's 'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now':
I was looking for a job
and then I found a job.
That's pretty amazing.
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