Thursday, 29 March 2007

Neil MacDonald: Metaphysics and the God of Israel

Of all the new books that will be released this year, here’s the one I’m most anticipating: Neil B. MacDonald, Metaphysics and the God of Israel: Systematic Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Baker, scheduled for May 2007).

In this book, Neil MacDonald – who also specialises in Barth, Luther and Wittgenstein – sets out to forge a new integration of systematic theology and biblical studies. Brevard Childs praises “the author’s grasp of the whole spectrum of modern biblical scholarship, both in Old and New Testaments,” as well as “his unique mastery of philosophical theory.” And Christopher Seitz describes the book as “a brilliant effort to combine the very best in historical-critical and theological exegesis with dogmatic and philosophical reflection of a very high level.”

Anyway, I can’t wait to see this new book. If it’s even half as good as it looks, I reckon it could turn out to be one of the best theological works of the year.


Patrick McManus said...

I've read his Karl Barth and the Strange New World of the Bible with enthusiasm. He's a very rare thinker who dialogues so easily and freely with both the philosophical and dogmatic tradition. I'm sure this book will not disappoint.

thanks for the heads up!

Ryan said...

I also liked 'Strange New World within the Bible' and have found some of his essay helpful as well. Ben, M'm with you in anticipation of this work--though what a mammoth undertaking he is attempting!

Shane said...

I've been waiting for this book to appear too. It's title recalls that phrase that Gilson used "The Metaphysics of Exodus".

Anonymous said...

This has been available in the UK since at least the end of last year (I read it over Christmas). I found it a very interesting read and a worthy addition to my bookshelves.

jps said...


It is now available in the US. It came in earlier this week:
It looks fascinating—another book to add to my list :(


Ben Myers said...

Oh, I see -- it looks as though it was released earlier in the UK by Paternoster. In any case, I'm glad to hear that it's now available outside the UK as well!

jps said...


It is now available in the US. It came in earlier this week:
It looks fascinating—another book to add to my list :(


Ryan said...

I also liked 'Strange New World within the Bible' and have found some of his essay helpful as well. Ben, M'm with you in anticipation of this work--though what a mammoth undertaking he is attempting!

Shane said...

I've been waiting for this book to appear too. It's title recalls that phrase that Gilson used "The Metaphysics of Exodus".

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