Thursday, 15 December 2005

Posts on Eberhard Jüngel

I have compiled here a list of most of my posts on Eberhard Jüngel.

First, here are the posts in my series on Jüngel’s theological anthropology:

Eberhard Jüngel's theological anthropology
Eberhard Jüngel: God and humanity
Eberhard Jüngel: the distinction between God and humanity
Eberhard Jüngel: denying the divinity of humanity
Eberhard Jüngel: the universal validity of anthropological statements
Eberhard Jüngel: fellows of Jesus Christ
Eberhard Jüngel: ever more human
Eberhard Jüngel: existing outside ourselves
Karl Barth: the distinction between God and humanity
Eberhard Jüngel: finding ourselves
Eberhard Jüngel: the justification of humanity
Eberhard Jüngel: humanity is interesting
Karl Rahner: theological anthropology

And here are some translated excerpts from Jüngel's essays:

Eberhard Jüngel: seven theses on the being of Jesus Christ
Eberhard Jüngel: seven theses on the freedom of theology

My other posts on Jüngel include the following:

The riddle of Eberhard Jüngel
Dissertations on Eberhard Jüngel
Books on Eberhard Jüngel
What is faith?
Hegel and theology
Eberhard Jüngel in English
Towards Eucharistic community
"God is a cheerful word": the life of Karl Barth

1 Comment:

David W. Congdon said...

Thank you for these posts. It is heartening to find another person who cares about Jüngel as much as I do. He is the single best theologian since Barth, imho.

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