Church Dogmatics III/3
Summary: In Jesus Christ, God the creator remains faithful to his creature, graciously preserving, accompanying and governing it, and rescuing it from the threatening power of the Nothingness.
Quote: “The only free God, who is the Father of Jesus Christ, is the Creator and basis of all freedom worthy of the name. But how absurd and sinister, how unworthy of the name, would be a freedom consisting in the fact that the creature is wholly or in part independent of this God” (pp. 130-31).
Notable section: §50—Barth’s astonishing account of God and Nothingness (das Nichtige), which is one of the most important discussions of evil in the history of theology.
Indeed, section 50 has been one of my favorites for a good while now- and along with Barth's various little excurses on Mozart, some of his best writing anywhere. In my mind his argument is convincing.
For your next project you should do the same thing with Calvin!
Well, I guess Calvin would at least be a little easier to summarise. But I definitely won't attempt Thomas's Summa theologiae -- imagine trying to summarise that one! You might as well try to summarise the entire universe.
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