Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics: the new edition
The most eagerly anticipated event of theological publishing is finally upon us: the release of the new edition of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics! The print edition should be available from T&T Clark by September – but the digital edition, published by Logos, will be released later this month.
Logos have kindly sent me an advance review copy of this digital edition, and I’ll be posting a full review shortly. In the mean time, however, you might want to consider ordering this at the special pre-publication price – until 14 April, you can get the digital edition for $499 (after 14 April, the digital edition will go for $699; and T&T Clark are predicting that their print edition will retail for $840).
In the digital edition, you can also do things like annotate Barth’s text and jump directly to the works which Barth cites (since it integrates with any other Libronix resources, e.g. the Scholar’s Gold library).
You can learn more about this edition here, or you can place an order here. It’s a very exciting new resource – stay tuned for a full review soon!
Surely having Barth's CD (books) on my shelf will look more impressive than just a small box that contains the cds! :-)
Ben, can you tell me if the new print edition of the Dogmatics will contain any changes from previous editions? I wouldn't replace mine (my wife would murder me) however, I am curious to know if there have been any improvements.
Also, how do you run Scholars Gold on your Mac?
My big question: is the digital edition bi-lingual?
When I reviewed the Ugaritic module for Logos they were kind enough not only to send it, but the 'Original Languages Library' as well. SJOT will carry the review in an upcoming issue. For now it's enough to note- Logos are good folk!
They are great people at Logos. Barth digital is going to be fantastic. Perhaps with time, I'll be able to convince my wife...
Mark: yes, the English translation has been extensively revised and corrected, and all Barth's foreign-language quotes (Greek, Latin, etc) are given both in the original and in English translation. There are other changes too — I'll give a full report in my review.
DWright: no, there's no bilingual edition — but you can get an excellent digital edition of the German text if your library subscribes to the Alexander Street database (highly recommended!).
Jim and Mike: yes, the folk at Logos are very kind indeed. They also sent me a complimentary copy of Scholar's Gold so that I could enjoy the integration of these texts with Barth.
As for the question of Mac compatibility: Logos has just issued the alpha release of its new Mac version of Libronix. I've been using this; but if you prefer to run Libronix in Windows, then you can run it on your Mac using Boot Camp (if you've got the latest operating system, OS X 10.5 Leopard).
Now we just have to get the CD for us Accordance users!
Thanks for the answer!
Sorry, just to correct my earlier comment: this new edition doesn't include the revisions to the English translation (that's planned for a future edition). In any case, the main change is the translation into English of Barth's numerous Greek and Latin quotations.
And thus Ben Myers set forth a stone of stumbling to all Barth lovers: A free copy of the new, electronic CD. Son of a ....
Ben, do you know if the new edition attempts to keep itself aligned with the original page numbers, or provides cross-referencing between editions?
Thanks for the initial report...I don't want to ask you too many more questions before you post your full review (where you'll answer all kinds of questions)...just one, for now. The "future edition" that will seem to include corrections and revisions of the translation: is this only for the software edition, or will this also be a re-print? I'm guessing the former. Thanks.
Just a plug for Libronix/Logos... it's an unbelievably great program... I buy all reference materials for it now. If you keep your eyes open for pre-publication offers, you can get amazing deals. I committed to this Barth release when it was first announced and locked in a price of $299!
If you haven't checked it out, do so - it's far more than a digital copy... and has tens of thousands of modules when can all inter-relate and link.
I don't work for them. =)
Wow - Barth in colour!
What's new with the new print edition? I remember reading something about the Greek and Latin being translated.. Will the new print edition have this? Anything else?
A couple more quick replies: yes, the new print edition will also include the translated Greek and Latin.
As for the English revisions, I don't think there are any concrete plans for the near future, except that the folk in Princeton have obtained permission to revise the translation. I suspect these changes will still be a fair way down the track.
Ok, very cool. I'll put my collecting CD on hold then for the new editions.
just started reading through my Logos edition. So cool. Starting January I plan on doing a one year long "Mondays with Barth"... it should be awesome!
I am going to scan and distribute these for free. (link to come) There's no way that Barth would accept this money-mongering use of his work.
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