Thursday 6 March 2008

Sighs, signs and significance

If you’re in the neighbourhood of Duke Divinity School next week, be sure to get along to the joint meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society and the Society for Pentecostal Studies: Sighs, Signs, and Significance: Pentecostal and Wesleyan Explorations of Science and Creation, 13-15 March 2008. There’ll be plenary papers by Jürgen Moltmann, Harold Koenig, James K. A. Smith and Randy Maddox. And there are hundreds of other papers, with appearances from folk like Stanley Hauerwas, D. Stephen Long, William Abraham, Amos Yong, Joel Green, and Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen.


Anonymous said...

We had Veli Matti Karkkainen speak at college for a week in 2006. His book Pneumatology is a must read. Last year we had Frank Macchia speak and he is a great speaker as well.

I would love to get along to this conference as well but won't be able to. Perhaps you can get someone to post up some highlight later on?

Anonymous said...

Alas, I shall be in Asheville. But Moltmann is a bit beyond my ken anyhow, and we have lots of opportunities to hear Hauerwas speak here in Durham. :-D

Dave Belcher said...

I have heard through the pipeline that Jamie Smith will not be able to make it to this year's meeting (actually from a friend to whose paper Smith was supposed to respond)...for all sorts of reasons.

I will most assuredly be posting some stuff on my own blog -- though I can't guarantee to comment on all the folks here because I have already planned to attend certain paper sessions that don't involve any of these folks -- but if you needed an update I'd be happy to do that...I'm sure there will be other folk around to fill in plenty of gaps besides me though.

Anonymous said...

Good speakers, to be sure, but the highlight of the meeting will be a paper entitled "The Ghost of Gilbert Ryle: Pauline Anthropology as a Shibboleth", being presented Saturday morning by some redneck from Ohio.

James K.A. Smith said...

Yes, unfortunately, because of a kind of perfect storm of logistical problems, I can't be there in person. However, my paper will be presented by video and I'll be connected live for some Q&A afterwards. I'm also writing responses to the concurrent sessions to which I was to respond. I'm very disappointed not to be there in person; this was to be my first pilgrimmage to the home of St. Stanley. Alas, I can see the Jordan but perhaps shall never get to cross! ;-)

Dave Belcher said...

Jamie, I am sad because I was really looking forward to meeting with you...we still haven't had that beer we both agreed we needed years ago on Generous Orthodoxy! Hope you are well, despite this, and perhaps another time! Peace

Esteban Vázquez said...

I should only like to note that the divine and glorious Teacher of Righteousness, Craig Keen, will be presenting a paper entitled Holy, Holy, Holy: The World Need Not Have Been on Friday, March 14 during the Parallel Session 1. This will be the highlight of the meeting, regardless of whatever John Poirier will have you believe. ;-)

Joanna said...

I'm a late intrusion to a Friday morning session (actually, I think one of those Jamie on which Jamie was going to speak) - I'm hoping to blog on what the meeting looks like to an Australian historian!

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