Here and there
Over at the excellent new blog, Christians in Context, Norman has started a series of “theologian trading cards” – the first one is Augustine. Another promising new blog is Scripture & Theology. And our own Chris Tilling (who is sick, poor boy) has a very helpful review-article in the latest issue of Zygon: “Engaging Science in the Mode of Trust: Hans Küng’s The Beginning of All Things,” Zygon 43:1 (2008), 201–216.
Meanwhile, Jason has a nice quote from Jacques Ellul on hell, while Aaron discusses resurrection and imagination. Halden warns us against hasty theological debate, and Chris has 10 propositions on confessions and dogmatics.
And if you haven’t yet seen Stuff White People Like, you should definitely have a gander – it’s highly entertaining! Oh, and if you’re in New York this week, you might like to go along to hear Charles Taylor.
Thanks for the nod in Scripture & Theology's direction. We hope that it will be a helpful resource for those interested in the intersection of scripture and theology.
F & T readers,
Please note that S & T is a collaborative effort and that we welcome post submissions (see the "call for posts" page for info on this - and the "about" page for general info).
PS - For a less than laudatory take on "Stuff White People Like" see
I'm glad you liked the Ellul quote. And thanks heaps for the plug.
Gotta say that I disagree with the article that you mentioned. I think that the author misunderstands SWPL.
Instead, I would argue that SWPL functions as Baudrillard with a sense of humour. The point, then, is not that the term "white people" refers simply to people with a certain skin tone or ethnicity. Rather, the point is to criticise Western culture through the lens of "whiteness" which, IMO, is here employed in a way that complements James Cone's use of "blackness."
I'm with dan on SWPL.
Have you seen Justin's recent take on trading cards (developed independently of the other guys)?
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