Thursday, 22 February 2007

Exiled interviews

Our friend Guy Davies has been doing a series of interviews with theology bloggers – the ones with Byron Smith and Michael Jensen are especially good.


Anonymous said...

Great idea, Guy, in conception and execution. It marks a Chalcedon moment in blogging, countering the Eutychesian heresy that bloggers have only one nature - the electronic - with a demonstration of their true - and lovely - humanity.

By the way, your conspiracy theory that I am Ben Myers' fictive alter ego with a funny nom de plume is half right - the name ain't funny! It's the good Lord's way of ensuring that there is one tiny part of Wales that is Jones-free! :)

Guy Davies said...

Does that mean you liked them then Ben, er... "Kim"?

Guy (aka Jake Coolikus)

Ben Myers said...

Well, I sure wish Kim was my fictive alter ego -- I'd love to be able to write as well as he does!

Anonymous said...

Guy, I loved them. I really value the work of Byron and Michael, and am so e-fond of them anyway, but you've fleshed them out a bit. Thanks! To re-coin an old ecumenical expression, "Doctrine divides, theological blogdom [at it's charitable best] unites".

And you, Kim - I mean Ben! - are a very kind bloke.

michael jensen said...

Um... I am so confused!

Guy Davies said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guy Davies said...

So, Ben you deny it, eh?

We can settle this identity crisis once for all. Has anyone ever seen Ben and "Kim" in the same room?

I'm not holding my breath.

And now "Kim" is accusing me of being chartiable and ecumenical. It's all gone horribly wrong.

kim fabricius said...

Guy, I loved them. I really value the work of Byron and Michael, and am so e-fond of them anyway, but you've fleshed them out a bit. Thanks! To re-coin an old ecumenical expression, "Doctrine divides, theological blogdom [at it's charitable best] unites".

And you, Kim - I mean Ben! - are a very kind bloke.

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