Best contemporary theology meme
Patrik has started this new meme: Name three (or more) of the most important theological works from the last 25 years (1981-2006).
To choose just three would have been unbearable, so I’ve chosen five (in chronological order):
- George Lindbeck, The Nature of Doctrine (1984)
- T. F. Torrance, The Trinitarian Faith (1985)
- Wolfhart Pannenberg, Systematic Theology, 3 vols. (1988-93)
- Robert W. Jenson, Systematic Theology, 2 vols. (1997-99)
- David Bentley Hart, The Beauty of the Infinite (2003)
Thanks for joining in! Please note that this is more than just a meme...
For sheer influence, serious consideration should also be given to:
Jean-Luc Marion, God without Being (1982)
John Zizioulas, Being As Communion (1985)
John Milbank, Theology and Social Theory (1990)
No fair, Ben. That's the list I would have composed--except for David Hart's book, which I have not read. (I know my limits.) So I would probably have substituted Zizioulas's *Being and Communion*.
Kim and Pontificator, you're welcome to join in but post your nominations either on a blog or on my blog, otherwise I won't be able to count them when I compile the list.
And Zizioulas should definitely be on the list!
Desire of the Nations, Oliver O'Donovan.
Whole Journal issues and seminars and resulting books have responded to this one work. Not bad!
PF Jensen 'The Revelation of God'?
Ben's read it, anyhow.
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