Sunday, 12 March 2006

Rowan Williams and Lambeth 2008

In spite of his personal views about human sexuality, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is making great efforts to avoid a split in the Anglican Communion. According to this news report, Williams has said that the 2008 Lambeth Conference should not re-open the 1998 resolution about gay relationships. Williams says: “Despite the levels of bitter controversy over sexuality in the [Anglican] Communion, I do not hear much enthusiasm for revisiting in 2008 the last Lambeth Conference’s resolution on this matter. In my judgment, we cannot properly or usefully re-open the discussion as if Resolution 1.10 of Lambeth 1998 did not continue to represent the general mind of the Communion.”


::aaron g:: said...

My Anglican parish is discussing homosexuality in a forum this Tuesday. Here is a sampling of quotes from key Anglicans:

“These questions are critical to the survival of Anglicanism.”

--Rev. Canon David C. Anderson, head of the conservative American Anglican Council, commenting on Lambeth 2008

“If the word of God says homosexuality is an abomination, then so be it.”

--Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria, commenting on General Synod in Perth, 2004

“An account of homosexual identity dominated by Romans 1 cannot be the whole story…"

--Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams

“Homosexuality is a part of the human and biological norm. It is not an aberration or a sickness that needs to be overcome.”

“Anyone who elevates their prejudices to the position where they are defended as the will of God is evil.”

--Retired Bishop of Newark, John Shelby Spong

revdrron said...

After reading the above quotes, the Archbishop’s 2008 Lambeth Conference silence on homosexuality proposal looks like wishful thinking…

Anonymous said...

I know Rowan. I have it on good authority that he remains a member of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM). Certainly his personal sympathy and theological convictions are with LGCM.

However, as Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan is deeply committed to holding together the Anglican Communion, which is why Rowan the teaching-bishop is less in evidence that Rowan the pastoral-bishop.

Finally, Rowan, I think, is realistic enough to see the writing on the wall: i.e. he foresees that a fracture is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

So is Spong saying that he (Spong) is evil?


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