Friday 31 March 2006

A day with N. T. Wright

Here in Brisbane, I’ve spent a very enjoyable day listening to N. T. Wright lecturing on the historical Jesus. These lectures were a sort of one-day summary of Wright’s great book, Jesus and the Victory of God (1997), along with a closing lecture on the resurrection.

During one of the coffee breaks, Wright also kindly allowed me to interview him for Faith and Theology. I asked him: “Who do you think is the greatest modern New Testament scholar?” (naturally I was hoping he’d choose Bultmann). He had an interesting response, and I’ll post it tomorrow, along with some highlights and quotes from the lectures.

But for now, here’s just one highlight. Wright related the following anecdote about Karl Barth, and the room erupted in laughter:

After a lecture, a woman asked Karl Barth: “Is it true that the serpent really spoke?” And Barth replied: “Madam, it does not matter whether or not the serpent really spoke; all that matters is what the serpent said.”


Anonymous said...


I'm envious. I will be going to Toronto in May to attend a conference -- and Tom Wright is the keynote speaker. I'm hoping to get to chat with the good bishop -- my favourite scholar -- but he seems to be an exceedingly busy fellow. Kudos to you for managing an interview.

Grace and peace.

Ben Myers said...

Thanks, Steph -- I wondered if it might have been '96, but I was too lazy to check!

I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing the good bishop in Toronto, Dan. He's a very engaging speaker. As for the interview: it was only a very quick one....

Anonymous said...

'til tomorrow? Awww c'mon, I'm dying to know

T.B. Vick said...

OOOHHH!!!!! Don't make us wait - that's cruel and unusual punishment!

You are a lucky git and devil (as well as blessed) for getting to see, hear and chat with N.T. Wright! I can't wait to see the interview.

Anonymous said...

Post the interview today (just kidding)!

"Jesus and the Victory of God" was published by Augsburg Fortress Publishers in August 1997.

Kyle said...

This would have been the ultimate podcast ;)

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