Six things
- Charles Taylor on what holds us together.
- Jamie Smith on philosophical versions of the fall.
- Halden on Zizioulas and divine fatherhood.
- Steve Holmes on Bruce McCormack’s third lecture.
- Aaron: education is not preparation.
- Phil Sumpter with a beautiful cyber-psalm, which ends with these lines:
Our stomachs are empty.
You are the one our hearts hope for.
Heal us who are sick.
We ache and we suffer.
Save us in death.
We are dying in darkness.
Savior Jesus, our hope at life’s end.”
Ben thanks for the link to Smith's review of the Mulhall book. I bought this when it came out, but shamefully have not managed to do more than dip into it so far. The critical perspective will be useful when I manage to get to it properly.
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