Sunday, 25 November 2007

Conference announcement: Saint Paul's Journeys into Philosophy

The brilliant Canadian theologian Douglas Harink is organising what promises to be a superb conference on “Saint Paul’s Journeys into Philosophy.” The conference will be held at the Vancouver School of Theology on the campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 4-6 June 2008. Speakers will include Stephen E. Fowl, Paul J. Griffiths, J. Louis Martyn, P. Travis Kroeker, Douglas Harink, Chris K. Huebner, Mark Reasoner, Gordon Zerbe, Jens Zimmerman, and others.

Proposals are invited for papers that address aspects of the appropriation of the work of the apostle Paul by recent philosophy, in particular by Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Jacob Taubes and Slavoj Žižek, as well as their precursors, such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Walter Benjamin. Papers may address the subject from the perspectives of biblical studies, philosophy, political theory and theology.

Proposals must be no longer than 300 words, accompanied by the proposer’s name and institutional affiliation. All proposals are due by 15 January 2008, and should be emailed to Doug Harink. You can also contact Doug for details about registration and accommodation in Vancouver.

This definitely looks like it will be one of the best and most important theological conferences of 2008.


Anonymous said...

Do you know the venue?

Ben Myers said...

Sorry about that — I've just amended the post to include the venue (Vancouver School of Theology, on the campus of the University of British Columbia).

Anonymous said...

This sounds great. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

How about that, something on my own campus! If anybody from out of town (or country) needs a place to stay, we have space in my house, and I'm sure I could help find spaces with others who don't want to pay for hotels and such.

I'd also be willing to introduce some visitors to Vancouver's downtown eastside -- if they're interested in seeing a part of Vancouver that look rather different than UBC.

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