Bart Ehrman
Bart Ehrman’s new book, Peter, Paul, and Mary: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend, is due for release soon. The good people at Oxford University Press have kindly sent me an advance copy of the book, and I will be posting about it here at Faith and Theology. So stay tuned for some details about the book, and also for an exclusive interview with the author.
Bart Ehrman is currently one of the world’s most popular and provocative religious authors. One of the most interesting aspects of his career has been his gradual movement from fundamentalism to agnosticism. If you’re interesting in reading about his personal journey, there’s a very insightful and moving article here.
Ben Witherington has an interesting article up about Ehrman's book Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why.
Ben, this is fantastic! I really look forward to the interview. Will you be writing an official review, given that you received a copy?
No, I won't be writing a review -- they just sent me an advance copy for the blog. Hopefully this will become a new trend among publishers!
Oh Lord, yes, I hope so too! Time to contact Mohr Siebeck, de Gruyter ... !
*rubbs hands greedily*
1. I'm impressed that you're reading more NT stuff: Ehrman and Allison!
2. My blistering mouth is salivating with you setting a precedent about bloggers acquiring advanced copies.
Ben, I'm very surprised at your adjectivals: "insightful and "moving" when it comes to the article on Bart Ehrman in the WP. I don't find it to be either. Rather, Bart seems to be making a living on what so many others have made a living on: grinding up souls to make his bread. Others are destroyed, but he has his BMW and his nice, comfortable life. No, I would not describe this man's life a beautiful or moving. Rather, it is at best tragic, and at worst bare duplicity.
Hi Thom -- great to hear from you. I really appreciate your comment. I only meant that this article gives a moving and insightful account of Ehrman's journey (not that his journey is itself something that we should all aspire to!).
I suppose I always find stories of loss-of-faith very moving. In Ehrman's case, I can't help thinking that the old false certainties of fundamentalism were largely to blame. To be certain of all the wrong things is already the beginning of the loss of faith!
Ben, Thanks for your comment on-blog as well as personally. And when are you going to release another podcast? I'm still chewing over the one on Barth.
Loss-of-faith stories are moving. I'm a sucker for them same as you. In Ehrman's case, though, the personal story part is being largely obscured by my own strong opinions on the responsibility of those who teach. Being a teacher is right up there with being a parent or a pastor, it should never be done lightly. Ehrman seems to be reaping the benefits of his profession without simultaneously submitting to its ethical requirements. He demeans his office, and thus, indirectly, attacks the ethical foundation of everyone who attempts in good faith to talk theology in the classroom.
Anyway, moving on. Ehrman's story makes a good argument for the dangers of not being clear about one's own presuppositions. Is one holding onto a confession or a construct? In some ways, this loops around to your discussion of Barth's inner, informing principle of Scripture. I'd best stop rambling now.
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