Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Rowan Williams against creationism

In a very interesting, wide-ranging interview at Lambeth Palace, Rowan Williams has spoken out against evangelical schools that teach creationism in the classroom. Williams is exactly right when he says that creationism “can end up reducing the doctrine of creation rather than enhancing it.” What Christian groups need is a deeper understanding of creation—which in itself would simply overturn the whole misguided project of creationism.

For more about Rowan Williams’ interview, see the news report here or the full transcript of the interview here.


Chris TerryNelson said...

Nice job Rowan. Unfortunately, the Guardian doesn't do justice to the nuance of his position when is says he's clearly "on the side of science." Oh well.

Y said...

i am not quite sure whether Guardian is misleading

and whether you agree with Rowan Williams?

what exactly is the meaning of creationism

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