Tuesday, 24 January 2006

Deus caritas est: Dante and the Pope

According to this report, Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, entitled “God Is Love,” is partly inspired by Dante’s great poem The Divine Comedy. Laus Deo.


Anonymous said...

An encyclical inspired by a poem. Hmmm. Email the Vatican a copy of your cultural lists, Ben, and who knows what may inspire the next papal pronouncement!

Ben Myers said...

Well, Benedict is a big Mozart fan. So perhaps a Mozart-inspired encyclical might not be out of the question?

Anonymous said...

Or - given the Dante allusion in "Tangled Up in Blue", and the song "I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine" - the Bishop of Hippo has had an immense influence on the pope - how about Dylan inspired encyclical!

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