Welcome to the new F&T
Welcome to the new F&T – after six years at blogspot.com, we've finally become respectable! The basic look is the same, but there are several new features – including a much better, more interactive commenting system (Disqus). The RSS feed should forward automatically – but please update your links and bookmarks to the new address, www.faith-theology.com/.
I'm grateful to a couple of F&T readers who took care of all the technical stuff. Mitch Ebbott kindly purchased, and then donated, the domain name. The savvy and magnanimous Aaron Hampshire did everything else: he spent many hours working on the design, installing the commenting system, importing the 20,000 comments, fixing glitches, calming my nerves when the whole blog disappeared, and so on. I'm very grateful for this great generosity! And thanks to all those who recently discussed the question of whether to move the blog – this was really helpful.
Don't forget to update your links! Pretty please! www.faith-theology.com/
First! :)
That was a smooth jump. Props to the IT guys behind the scenes.
Looks great. And no ads!
Wait...you forgot the star of davey, and an ad for
the Theology of Rowan Williams' wife,
and professional fondling tips from Kotzko & Co
Great layout! Good luck and thanks for your great work!
It looks great well done. BTW the "About" in the menu still points to the blogspot site
Hurray - no ads and better commenting features! Win-win. A big thank you to all those who have helped you.
Looks... um... similar! Which is great, because I liked it before, as well. One note... I don't know if it's just mine, but I just posted a new story on my blog and it didn't update in your "blogs I'm reading" sidebar. So, heads up!
It's showing there now, Josh.
Well done, nice donate button which I'll use along the way. I like the photo of your new book. Have updated RSS. Now to the posts!
My link has been updated!
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