Wednesday, 10 August 2011

New site coming soon...

Sorry for the long silence lately. The new-and-improved F&T site is coming soon...


Robert Minto said...

I can't wait! There's been a hole in my life...

erin said...

Soon, the apocalypse!
Can't wait :)

Fat said...

Now Ben - if it is 'new' it can't be 'improved' and if it is 'improved' it can't be new.

Pamela said...

I'm ordering a new pair of multifocals from my optometrist - gotta be up to scratch for the new and improved Ben's blog.

RobCrompton said...

This sheds a lots of light on things:

"Fat said...

Now Ben - if it is 'new' it can't be 'improved'"

So when 'He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new,' (Rev 21:5) he wasn't saying anything was going to be improved. At last, I see it! And here was me thinking nothing had been fulfilled. :)

Anonymous said...

New and improved didn't work with New Coke or Crystal Pepsi. It's good to learn from the past. Duh.

Anonymous said...

Ben, Me thinks your gettin' the Billy Joel kinda' love here. 'Don't go changin' to try an' please you just the way you are....'

Anonymous said...

I'm consistently amazed by the quality of reader comments on this blog.

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