Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Creation, Conflict, and Cosmos: conference on Romans 5-8

In May 2012, Princeton Seminary is hosting "Creation, Conflict, and Cosmos: A Conference on Romans 5-8". I'll be speaking there – in utter fear and trepidation, given the lineup of speakers!
  • John M. G. Barclay, Durham University
  • Martinus C. de Boer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Susan Grove Eastman, Duke University Divinity School
  • Neil Elliott, Fortress Press
  • Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • J. Louis Martyn, Union Theological Seminary (emeritus)
  • Ben Myers, Charles Sturt University, Sydney
  • Stephen Westerholm, McMaster University
  • Philip G. Ziegler, King’s College, University of Aberdeen
There's a call for papers out too, and they're obviously keen to hear from both theologians and biblical scholars.


Brian Gronewoller said...

This is fantastic! Congratulations on your invitation to speak at PTS. I'm putting it on my calendar - hope to see you there in a year!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, and good luck! A word to the wise, never announce your apprehension(s) in advance; as the architect Robert Venturi (himself a Princeton graduate) once said "I no longer point out what I regard to be my mistakes, since I've learned that when you do, your critics will use it against you". Keep those of us here in the States updated, should that prove convenient, DWLindeman

Davey Henreckson said...

That's great, Ben! I'm looking forward to hearing you lecture in person, finally. Best wishes.

Chris TerryNelson said...

Surprised that Doug Campbell isn't speaking.

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