Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Almost thou persuadest me...

... to get an iPad. I actually used a friend's iPad for a couple of months, but wasn't that taken by it. But now T. S. Eliot's Waste Land has been turned into an impressive iPad app. If they do Four Quartets next, I'll really be in danger of converting...


Pamela said...

I'd really rather get a new pair of Brooks cross-trainers. I'm sure my tennis backhand would improve!

Geoff said...

... I caved... just return from the Sydney Apple store

Brett Gray said...

Get a scratch protector. Trust me, bitter experience...

Erin said...

[satan] all your lecture notes in one place and.. you would look so cool swiping the page over at the podium [/satan]

Raspberry Rabbit said...

Good for you. Had mine now for a month. Great piece of kit. Dropbox and Goodreader. Splurge and get yourself an apple wireless keyboard. Makes it more useful for longer documents

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