Sunday, 20 September 2009

I suggest we all get some rest and reconvene

  • Finally, my curiosity got the better of me: I just had to see Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus. Is it really as bad as everyone says? No. It's worse – much worse. In my favourite scene, the characters are discussing the impending global catastrophe: "Civilian casualties have already skyrocketed on both sides of the world.... This cannot be allowed to happen. The devastation of marine life [would be] unimaginable. Miles of oceans would be poisoned with fallout. Also the potential for coastal damage and human casualties are extremely high. Plus massive tidal waves. We'd better think of something fast." After a solemn pause, our hero replies: "I suggest we all get some rest and reconvene."
  • (Oh, and the sign pictured above is thanks to Jason.)


Richard said...


Sorry for leaving a comment but can't seem to find an email address on site. Just thought I'd let you know I've imported you blog feed on your author page at goodreads ( I'm assuming you're OK with this but if not let me know and I'll delete it.


Ben Myers said...

Many thanks, Richard - I really appreciate it. Since doing new blog design, I still haven't got around to adding contact details. So thanks for the reminder!

Ben Myers said...

OK, I've added a contact link at the bottom of the page.

Ben Myers said...

Many thanks, Richard - I really appreciate it. Since doing new blog design, I still haven't got around to adding contact details. So thanks for the reminder!

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