Sunday, 8 March 2009

Princeton Barth Conference: religion and the religions

The Center for Barth Studies in Princeton will be holding its fourth annual Barth conference in June: the theme is Karl Barth on Religion and the Religions.

I’ll be giving a paper on “God and the Gods: Karl Barth and Polytheism.” Other speakers include Matthew Myer Boulton (you really have to see his new book on Barth and worship), Lai Pan-Chiu, Garrett Green, Scott Jones, Mark R. Lindsay, Katherine Sonderegger and Charles West.

So I look forward to seeing all my Princeton friends again in June!


Adrian said...

I hope I'm still here. If so, a pint at the tap room will be in order.

Anonymous said...


I consider you far better-versed than I in Barth. But, I have posted a brief series on my blog in which I imagine a conversation between myself, Jacques Dupuis S.J. and Barth on this very question (religion). I mostly interacted with § 17 of The Doctrine of the Word of God. If you have the time, I would love to hear your thoughts. (Even if your thoughts are that I don't have a clue about Barth).

Simon said...

As I told my family members that I was planning to go to the conference, my wife strongly opposed my decision, for she is so worrying about the H1N1 spreading in US.
I really wished I could go, for I have just finish my ThM thesis on Karl Barth's theology of religion, I might have some interaction with scholars there. But I do not want my wife worrying about my trip. Too bad, too bad. Ha~~~~a!!!

Darren said...

Looking forward to this, Ben! We met briefly when you guys were here last fall. Hopefully my wife will let me attend the conference. ;)

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