Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Amazon Unspun, and other spin-offs

This week released Unspun, a new site for generating lists. A number of theology lists have already been created: if you sign into your Amazon account, you can rank your favourite theology blogs, or biblical studies blogs, or theologians, or systematic theologies. If you’ve got far too much spare time on your hands, then head over and check it out. As Patrik says, the internet is for making lists.

Elsewhere, the Aussie blogger Craig Harper has created a list of the most popular 100 Australian blogs (listed on his sidebar) – and, to my surprise, Faith & Theology is ranked #22 (just behind the ABC, but ahead of the Herald Sun).

Meanwhile, this guy really needs some more visitors (even though he misunderstands lightweight theologians like Barth and Paul). And if you want a good laugh today, be sure to check out Chris Tilling’s diabolically funny catalogue of popular evangelical prayers. Lord, we just want to thank you, Lord, for posts like this....


Robert Cornwall said...

Let me add one I set up -- Most Influential Preachers. Some good preachers need help -- so we can push down the Robertsons, Falwells, and the like. You can start by going here - on my blog.

Dai Corleone said...

Oi, I haven't misunderstood Barth or Paul & it was a pesky commenter who called Barth "lighweight". That's for the link, though!

Ben Myers said...

Hi David. Yeah, I know -- but I couldn't resist the gibe!

The maiden said...

Full disclosure (and disclaimer): Somehow Subversive Christianity wound up on the list. I appreciate the nomination, but I'm there under false pretenses. I'm truly no theologian, as I try to explain here.

Dai Corleone said...

Fair dinkum, mate!

thegreatswalmi said...

Since i picked a lame name for my blog that had been picked by various people at various times, but that i didn't know about until after i'd picked it, i think my site may be on the list. I hope it's mine, cause i put a link to my site on it, and then voted the heck out of it :) kidding. thanks for posting the link, Ben. I've got a lot more blog reading to do now.


nakedpastor said...

like all the links to interesting sites. thanks. congrats on #22!

Michael Westmoreland-White, Ph.D. said...

At D.W. Congdon's suggestion, I made a list of top Christian Peace Bloggers here:

Not many have yet found it.

I keep being surprised at how Levellers has stayed in the top 20 for 3 days when I wasn't sure it was a theology blog at all--it wasn't when I first started blogging.

BTW, are there church history blogs? And, other than Per Caritatem, are there philosophical theology or philosophy of religion blogs?

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