Tuesday, 19 September 2006

My desk

Thanks to a very generous gift on the weekend, I now own a digital camera at last! So here’s a photo of my desk:


Anonymous said...

Are you left handed? Or do you just use your mouse left handed?

Fred said...

Nice bookstand. That's a piece of technology more essential than a PC.

Tyler F. Williams said...

Far too clean for my liking... :-)

Derek Brown said...

Is there a better still-life shot than the desk of a theologian? I think not...brings tears to my eyes.

Chris TerryNelson said...

Further evidence that no matter what you think of Barth, he'll make a damn good paper weight!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for fomenting the sin of envy!

But how quaint: Is that a pen I see?

Alex Thompson said...

i must concur wih mr williams. far too clean for there to be any work going on!

Anonymous said...

Barth, von Balthasar, and Pannenberg. Shocking! I would have expected something like Tillich, William James, and Elizabeth Johnson

Anonymous said...

Always nice to see someone else with a mac! I my self own a iBook G4 12"

Ben Myers said...

Hi Drew: I'm right-handed, but a left-handed mouse-user (which makes typing quicker!).

And you're right about Barth, Goobynelly: the volume in the picture is actually KD IV/2, which is the biggest and best damn paperweight of them all!

Rory Shiner said...

Hi Ben. Cool photo. Nice to see the Mac :) Is this your office at home or at Uni? And would be be to greedy to ask for more photos? Would love to see the whole room--the bookshelves, the ash-tray and pipe on the coffee table, the busts of Mozart et. al., the pictures of Barth...

Ben Myers said...

G'day Rory -- this is my home desk, not my Uni desk. That's a good idea, too: I might try to post some more photos as well...

byron smith said...

Mac: tick.
left-handed mouse: brilliant - was this deliberate or accidental?
Barth, etc: of course.
Pen: for nostalgia?
View: obscured - what is up?
Camera: no excuses for not having more visuals now! :-)

Kyle said...

Pannenberg, now that is what I like to see!

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