Posted by Ben Myers
Congrats Ben!
Good on ya' matie!
Ben, it looks good.
Great news! It looks wonderful - I always love the feel of de Gruyter books, some of which are among the best books I have. So, whatever is written inside your book, it already has my vote!
How soon can we expect an English translation from the Australian?Warmest congratulations as the Myers opus begins. We were there, folks!Kim
Congrats! I like the cover - elegant.
oooooolooks very serious. I was kinda hoping for a sunrise on the cover...
Congratulations! Hopefully Duke's library will buy a copy so I can read it!
Congrats, Ben!
Sweet action! Congrats Ben!
An honest to goodness book! Congratulations!
One quibble - $US99??
"One quibble - $US99??" — Well, I guess that's why it's coming to a library "near you", instead of to your own library....;-)
Wow, that's cool! Congrats!!
Congratulations! As a literature student in my undergrad years, I look forward to reading your book.
Nice. Very nice.
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Congrats Ben!
Good on ya' matie!
Ben, it looks good.
Great news! It looks wonderful - I always love the feel of de Gruyter books, some of which are among the best books I have. So, whatever is written inside your book, it already has my vote!
How soon can we expect an English translation from the Australian?
Warmest congratulations as the Myers opus begins. We were there, folks!
Congrats! I like the cover - elegant.
looks very serious. I was kinda hoping for a sunrise on the cover...
Congratulations! Hopefully Duke's library will buy a copy so I can read it!
Congrats, Ben!
Sweet action! Congrats Ben!
An honest to goodness book! Congratulations!
One quibble - $US99??
"One quibble - $US99??" — Well, I guess that's why it's coming to a library "near you", instead of to your own library....
Wow, that's cool! Congrats!!
Congratulations! As a literature student in my undergrad years, I look forward to reading your book.
Nice. Very nice.
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