Tuesday, 16 May 2006

Southward bound

I’ll be in Sydney until Friday, teaching a course at Moore Theological College. I won’t be online much, but I’ll try to keep posting now and then throughout the week.

So if you’re in Sydney and you happen to see this friendly face, make sure you stop and say hello!


byron smith said...

What are you teaching?
As an MTC 4th yr student who reads your blog as often as possible, I'll look out for you (though as a 4th yr MTC student, I'll only be around on Thu/Fri).

Cynthia R. Nielsen said...


Have a good time in Sydney. I'm glad that you posted your picture, as it is nice to put a face with a name : )


Dr. Joseph Ray Cathey said...


You look so young! I now feel so old.

Best Regards

Chris Tilling said...

Hi Ben,
Have a great time in Sydney. What's the course?

And I'm really sorry about your face, mate. I'd take a big paper bag if I were you.


Actually, like Cynthia says, it's nice to put a face (even if it's that one) to a name and a voice at last!

Anonymous said...

The theologian as pin-up!
Ben, you give a whole new meaning to "theological aesthetics"!

revdrron said...

Yo Ben, J. West runs another photo possibility on his blog. It has something to do with imagination. I'm thinking Dylan again.. Perhaps a little Barth! Happy teaching Bro! enjoy, ron

Guy Davies said...

Is that what happens when you read too much Barth? 8-)

Guy Davies said...

Is that what happens when you read too much Barth? 8-)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that your name is Johnny Depp...

Michael F. Bird said...

Oh, Ben, you have obviously had a makeover in my absence. I left an interesting comment on Jim West's site. I had to look twice to make sure that it was really you. As I said at Jim's site and I'll say it again: you look like a cross between Karl Barth and Kurt Cobain! Have fun at MTC, the morning teas are just delicious. Oh, and please say hello to Peter Bolt for me. I hope to catch up with him some time. Best of wishes for the lectures!

T.B. Vick said...

Enjoy and travel safe . . . by the way it nice to be able to put a face to the name (and the voice - as Chris pointed out). When you told me you were once in a rock band I found that hatd to believe, not now . . . you have the "philosophical rocker" look about you! ;-)

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