Friday, 12 May 2006

The Book Thief

The best new novel I have read in quite some time is the magnificent 560-page work, The Book Thief, by the young novelist Markus Zusak. It’s a powerful, compelling and humorous story about a young German girl in the Second World War who discovers books and the power of words. She also learns a very important skill: how to steal books.

I think the book’s greatest achievement is its intriguing and wonderfully funny narrator. Without spoiling the story, I’ll just tell you that the narrator is not even a human being—he is Death himself (and Death has never been more endearing).

Anyway, if you only want to read one new novel this year, I reckon this should be the one. I devoured it recently, and I’m already feeling like reading it again. To find out more about the novel, you can also check out the author’s very nice website.


Chris Tilling said...

You sure know how to sell books, Ben. I'm starting to get suspicious actually. You do get some of the Royalties, don't you? You sly old Aussie; you've found a way somehow I just know it.

Ben Myers said...

"You do get some of the Royalties, don't you?" Well, if only I could convince the publishers to see things your way....

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday for Sunday Ben

Ben Myers said...

Thanks, Josh!

Ben Myers said...

"... a day over 21" -- how flattering, Steph. Unfortunately, though, I'll now be 28 (which of course means "nearly 30"!).

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