Thursday 21 April 2011

Karl Barth miscellanies

Here are some Barth miscellanies – if you know of any other upcoming events, feel free to add a comment.

Christophe Chalamet (whose book I reviewed here) will be leaving his position at Fordham (and the jazz clubs of New York City) for an appointment as professeur associé de théologie systématique at the University of Geneva. Christophe is a very fine Barth scholar – so students can now consider the lovely city of Geneva as a destination for Barth studies. Congratulations, Christophe!

This year's Barth conference is on Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth: An Unofficial Protestant-Catholic Dialogue will be held in Princeton from 19-22 June. It's co-hosted by the Centre for Barth Studies and the Thomistic Institute. Speakers include John Bowlin, Holly Taylor Coolman, Robert Jenson, Keith Johnson, Guy Mansini, Amy Marga, Bruce McCormack, Richard Schenk, Joseph Wawrykow, and Thomas Joseph White. I've heard a rumour that the conference might even be webcast this year, which would be terrific.

A new review of John Flett's important new book, The Witness of God; and another one of David Haddorff's book on ethics; and another one on David Guretzk's book on Barth and the filioque.

Finally, since I read you Mark Twain's remarks about health the other day, here's a comment from Barth on the topic (from CD III/4, emailed to me by Jonathan Freeston):
We are indeed appalled at the many people who look upon health itself as a lofty or supreme goal, and “live for their health” alone. Lovingly cherishing their bodies or even their souls, and being constantly interested in what is good, less good or bad for them, they raise such things as sun, air and water, the power of different herbs and fruits, the beauty of a tanned skin and the dynamic strength of well-tempered muscles, and perhaps the possibilities of medical and psychological skill, and even quackery, to the level of beneficent demons to which they offer a devotion and credulity, and which they serve with a concentration and enthusiasm, that can only show them to be the unhealthiest persons.


Anonymous said...

Have you read Adam Neder's book about Barth and sanctification? Great stuff, that. And only 100 pages, too!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Christopher Asprey's *Eschatological Presence in Karl Barth's Goettingen Dogmatics* (OUP, 2010).

Paul Tyson said...

Does this mean I have a Barthain justification for being fat and completely not fit!! I must get that quote printed on a T-shirt (my body would be the perfect site for such comment!).

John David Penniman said...

Needless to say, we here at Fordham are quite sad to see Chalamet leave...but are very excited for his future in Geneva.

Adam Eitel said...

Thanks, Ben, for plugging our conference. We wish you could join us!

I have received a few inquiries about the rumored webcast, so perhaps I should clarify: we currently have no plans to webcast the conference.


Matthew Frost said...

There seems to be something about secondary works on Barth - so many good ones are so remarkably short! And even the long ones pale in comparison to their subject...

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