Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Art for advent: Banksy's crucifix

Now here's a piece of art worth pondering this Christmas – a crucifix by the British graffiti artist Banksy (h/t Stephen Downey):

Though for a slightly different perspective on the Christmas mythology, see Richard's thoughtful post on lying about Santa. And if you want to know whether Santa Claus appears in the Bible, look no further than this annotated Bible.


Terry Wright said...

The footnote about Santa Claus as a 'unisex freak of Satan' is great! I wish more churches could see this vital truth.

Fat said...

Banksy's statement ties our Christmas and God's Easter together more closely than a thousand sermons.
The most obscene of the vanities of this age are still overshadowed by the sheer beauty of the crucifiction.

myleswerntz said...

Is it ironic that I'd like a print of this?

I'll just embrace the irony and ask "Where can I get a copy of this?"

Anonymous said...

The beauty of a broken tortured dying body nailed to a cross?

If you happened to go down to the woods today on the way to a Teddy Bears picnic, and came across a broken tortured body (or strange fruit via the Klan) nailed to a tree or a cross you would be horrified.

Erin said...

Have you seen Banksy's movie, "Exit Through the Gift Shop?" Nice movie, all twisted up in his fashion.

Fat said...

Yes - I meant beauty.
The bare broken horrible tortured suffering gift on the cross is beautiful.
The beautifully wrapped gifts are the obscenity.

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