Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Best albums of 2009

Here's my pick of the year's 20 best albums:

1. Animal Collective, Merriweather Post Pavilion
2. jj, jj N°2
3. Grizzly Bear, Veckatimest
4. Iron & Wine, Around the Well
5. M. Ward, Hold Time
6. The Decemberists, The Hazards of Love
7. Lisa Mitchell, Wonder
8. The Mountain Goats, Life of the World to Come
9. The Avett Brothers, I and Love and You
10. Girls, Album
11. Dan Deacon, Bromst
12. The Flaming Lips, Embryonic
13. Florence and the Machine, Lungs
14. Fever Ray, Fever Ray
15. Antony & the Johnsons, The Crying Light
16. Phoenix, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
17. Sweet Billy Pilgrim, Twice Born Men
18. David Bazan, Curse Your Branches
19. Ben Harper, White Lies for Dark Times
20. YACHT, See Mystery Lights

Most theologically interesting albums: M. Ward, Hold Time; and The Mountain Goats, Life of the World to Come (in this latter album, each song is based on a Bible verse)
Best live album: Tom Waits, Glitter and Doom
Best covers album: Bob Dylan, Christmas in the Heart
Best debut album: jj, jj N°2
Best compilation: Dark Was the Night
Best children’s album: Butterflyfish, Ladybug
Most disappointing album: Bob Dylan, Together through Life


Anonymous said...

As an Avett Brothers fan and being from North Carolina, I really think that "I and Love and You" is a step back for them. It's better than a lot out of stuff out there, but it's not as good as the older, rawer stuff. I was disappointed in its polished character especially.

ken oakes said...

The absence of Monsters of Folk makes me question everything I thought I knew about Ben Myers' taste.

Adrian said...

Ben I completely agree with your most disappointing album selection. Together Through Life could have, and should have, been so much better.

dan said...

Hands down, the best album of 2009 was "Hospice" by The Antlers. Nothing came close to that.

paul said...

Maybe you didn't hear The Low Anthem's self-titled debut?

Nathan said...

Hey Ben,

I saw you at church in Townsville and again at Stable on the Strand (from the distance)... I meant to say hello and to thank you for blogging...

Anyway... I'm wondering if you've listened to any Mumford and Sons. I'm thinking it falls into the "theologically interesting" category.

Rob said...

ditto on mumford and sons.

and apropos of Ben's previous post, surely mgmt's "time to pretend" is the quintissential noughties song??


Anonymous said...

ditto - no "Monsters of Folk"?

ang said...

I've been waiting for this post! Thanks heaps, lots of new stuff for me to look for.

Thanks for all of the posts over the year Ben. Merry Christmas!

A. Bookbinder said...

Ben, have you heard Phosphorescent's 2009 album TO WILLIE? A far better covers album than Bob's Xmas foray.

Rocky said...

Two words: Neko. Case.

Unknown said...


I am very pleased to see the Flaming Lips make your list. Though I have to admit that I was somewhat conflicted in terms of my feelings with regard to this album. It was surely astounding as musically innovative and inventive (as all the Lips albums are), but I felt it was a step back lyrically for Wayne Coyne from their previous three albums, of which the Soft Bulletin to me remains the pinnacle.

On that note, I should say that Iron & Wine's cover of the Lips' "Waiting for a Superman" on his latest cemented my status as a new fan of I & W.

Unknown said...

Oh, and Ben (and I am just the messenger here), Zoe wants to know where Butterfly Boucher is on your list.

In her words: "I know she sings in Nashville, but she's from Australia, daddy."

Barbara said...

Three cheers for the Avetts! Ben, did you know they're coming to Australia in April? I urge you to make it to at least one of them; I guarantee you'll definitely get your money's worth. I've seen them in concert 15 times and it never, ever gets old.

April 2 - Byron Bay Bluesfest
April 3 - Byron Bay Bluesfest
April 5 - Sydney @ Factory
April 6 - Melbourne @ The Prince

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