Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Theology conferences in 2010

Here are some upcoming conferences that might be of interest (thanks to Evan for highlighting some of these). If you know of any other noteworthy conferences for 2010, feel free to leave a comment with the link.

Evan also notes that the recent "Sacred Modernities" conference (Aristotle Kallis, Graham Ward) was recorded in full as a podcast. And he points to the creation of 50 new humanities postdoctoral fellowships in the States.


johnldrury said...

Wesleyan Theological Society's 2010 Annual Meeting at Asuza Pacific Univeristy (near Los Angeles) will be pretty good.

Poster (pdf)
Call for Papers (pdf)

Ben Myers said...

Thanks John, I've added the link.

Evan said...

I just ran across this CFP on Religion in late antiquity, for anyone who may be interested.

Ben Myers said...

I've also added a link in the post above to the St Thomas Summer Seminar in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology (this one comes with a stipend, which is nice).

mike d said...

If you don't mind expanding out just a bit to philosophy of religion and philosophical theology; Alvin Plantinga's Retirement Celebration/Conference is coming in 2010.


Ben Myers said...

Thanks Mike, I've added the link.

Anonymous said...

Hauerwas and some other notables will be in Denmark in January


John Rasmussen

Doug Chaplin said...

There's this one in Oxford

Ben Myers said...

Thanks, I've added those links.

Unknown said...

The Heidelberg Conference has a website: www.heidelbergconference.info
Thanks for the link! -Sebastian Heck

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