Now lay your faithless head down
- A brilliant new logo for the Church of England
- Another confession of book stealing
- A superb post by Carl Raschke on Derrida and Kandinsky
- Benedict's new encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, is coming soon
- On Charles Mathewes, eschatology, and the fourth of July
- And now I finally understand why there is no fourth of July in England
- A video panel of Cornel West, Serene Jones and Gary Dorrien
- On the blogosphere 2.0
- Tweeting in church
- On Nate Kerr and church-as-polis
- Whether modernity is a Christian heresy
- A list of the best kids' books ever (I'd love to do a post on this topic one of these days: kids' books rock)
1 Comment:
A list of the best kids' books ever
At last a list of some books containing some I have actually read.
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