Saturday, 9 May 2009

International Karl Barth wiki day

Today is the 123rd anniversary of Karl Barth’s birth. To mark the occasion, I’m naming this the International Barth Wikipedia Day. Unfortunately Barth’s wiki entry is very sketchy, piecemeal and mediocre. Since so many of us here are interested in Barth, why don’t we head over today en masse and try to improve this entry? You could add some biographical info, or some details about Barth’s theology, or a summary of contemporary debates in the field. Or you could find something useful in the (much more substantial) German wiki entry, and translate it into English.

Wikipedia has increasingly become the first source of information for all sorts of inquisitive people – so let’s try to make this a worthwhile and informative entry.

Thanks to Dave Bruner for emailing me with this suggestion.


Anonymous said...

It's a great idea and I wish I had enough expertise to really help!

andrewbourne said...

could one add how wrong Barth is?

kim fabricius said...

I began worship yesterday by reading the first verse from George Herbert's poem "Sunday", followed by a prayer of approach from Barth ("Let the Dawn Come", in Fifty Prayers [2008], pp. 45-46). Sweet.

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