The bus caption winner
The people have spoken! And Andrew is the winner of our bus sign contest. His caption won a decisive victory, with 29% of the votes. Here’s the winning bus sign:
And I think Dan deserves a runner-up prize for his wonderful sign (which came in second, with 15% of the votes):
The prizes come courtesy of the kind folks at IVP Academic – so Andrew and Dan can each email me to choose one of the following books:
- Larry R. Helyer, The Witness of Jesus, Paul and John: An Exploration in Biblical Theology (IVP 2008) – an introduction to NT theology
- Sandra L. Richter, The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament (IVP 2008) – an introduction to OT theology
- Davis Young and Ralph Stearley, The Bible, Rocks and Time: Geological Evidence for the Age of the Earth (IVP 2008) – a massive evidence-based response to young-earth creationism
- Gordon Smith, ed., The Lord's Supper: Five Views (IVP 2008) – a dialogue between five theologians: Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist and Pentecostal
The winning bus sign is unbelievably boring - how could that POSSIBLY have beaten the recycling one and the economy one?! (Even if we're supposed to treat it like the classic intro to philosophy of language conundrum [when the teacher writes on the chalkboard on the first day of class, "This statement is false"], it's boring because irrelevant to the atheist bus sign.)
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