Sunday, 30 November 2008

Tom Waits: Silent Night

Here’s some nice music for Advent: a rare recording of Tom Waits singing “Silent Night.” Click here to listen online.


Anonymous said...

This is real sweet, Ben, I'd not heard it. But I think I prefer his version of Silent Night on his "Christmas Card from A Hooker in Minneapolis" .
Here's the link to a live version:

Anonymous said...

most beautiful, thank you!

Graham Hunter said...


That's made my 1st Sunday of Advent!

Happy New Year...

Anonymous said...

I always thought "Advent" was about the second coming of our Lord? Doesn't scripture tell us that that particular day/night will be anything but silent?

Yours pedantically - JOHN HARTLEY

Ben Myers said...

Hi John: well, to be fair, Tom Waits' performance is also "anything but silent"!

Anonymous said...

You have all drunk the kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this. I hadn't put on Mr Waits in a while, so I had a listen to Franks Wild Years. Absolutely brilliant.

Anyway, if you want a laugh check out this 'press conference' he did earlier in the year. hilarious.

ken oakes said...

what? no caption contest? well, here is my own unsolicited entry:

Waits, in an apparent change of career course, began his most recent concert with a soaring showcase of his abilities as a tenor: "La donna è mobile, Qual piuma al vento..."

Anonymous said...

OK Ken, I'll take the bait.

The world renowned mime, T. Waits, breaks his silence with his historic 'I have a nightmare' speech.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work can a Faith and Theology mix CD be far behind?

God Bless

Steve in Toronto

Brannon Hancock said...

huge thanks for this. thinking maybe my upper respiratory infection is a blessing in disguise, as I find myself able to sing like Tom today...

Anonymous said...


Bram said...

Does anyone have any other ideas on Great Christmas songs/Albums. Carols, not holiday song rubbish. I'm looking for guitar or piano Christmas music that's not cheese. Any ideas out there?

Ben Myers said...

Hi Bram. Personally, my favourite is Sufjan Stevens' Songs for Christmas (a set of 5 CDs). It's wonderful stuff, with some gorgeous arrangements.

Unknown said...

That was painful.

S&G's Silent Night must now be posted to balance the cosmos.

myleswerntz said...

Wow. Waits can even make Jesus' birth sound creepy. Love it.

Anonymous said...

wow, thanks for this! awesome!

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