New Testament theology with Mike Bird
My Aussie pal Mike Bird (who is writing about 100 books at the moment) is planning a new work which will integrate early Christian studies and New Testament studies – sounds like an excellent idea.
While you’re over at Mike’s blog, you can also see a recent photo of the two of us – I gave him plenty of wine, then tried to convince him that Bultmann is an important thinker (he didn’t believe a word of it). And I’ll be meeting up with Mike again at this year’s SBL/AAR meeting on The Faith of Jesus Christ Debate, where I’ll be talking about Barth and Paul.
I didn't realize you were speaking on that topic. I have been interested in that for awhile now. I wrote a paper last spring on Barth's interpretation of Galatians (specifically, Gal. 2:20) in the Church Dogmatics in order to see how Barth might weigh in on the "pistis Christou" debate. A major lacuna in the debate, particularly in the writings of Hays and Dunn, is any real engagement with theological voices. Hays brings up Bultmann and Torrance, but only because they wrote on the topic from a NT perspective.
For what it's worth, the most fascinating passage in the entire CD is II/2, 559. This is where Barth explicitly supports the subjective genitive, and even though he tends to use the objective genitive later in CD IV, I think the insights he establishes in II/2 are still operative throughout the rest of his dogmatics. I have a lot more to say on this, but it deserves a post of its own.
I wish I could be in San Diego this fall! I'm sure you'll have a great time.
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