Leaving Sydney
After nine years in Sydney I have taught my last classes and said my prayers and am moving on.
There comes a time in a man’s life when what he really wants is to be able to teach Plato and Shakespeare as well as Calvin and Augustine. That time has come for me. So I’ve accepted a job at the Millis Institute, a liberal arts program of CHC in Brisbane. My job will be to direct the various liberal arts degree programs as well as to teach in philosophy, theology, and literature. The classes there involve no lectures and no textbooks. Each class is a Socratic-style discussion of primary sources. That, reader, is my true love and forte, and it’s the same approach that I’ve tried to bring to theological education in Sydney. The first thing I did when I got off the plane in Sydney nine years ago was to abolish all textbooks and to replace them with primary sources. Then I unpacked my bags.
Some of my happiest memories here are of the books that I’ve been able to read and discuss with my students. When I cast my mind back over the years I am astounded at the number of these books, and even more astounded that SVS Press has never paid me a commission for forcing so many students to buy them. The ones I can recall using as class texts include:
There are other books that I rejected after trying them once in the classroom because they seemed only to mirror back what students already thought (or worse: felt), and therefore provoked no debate and no real learning. In my experience Moltmann’s books are especially egregious for classroom use: though I admit that a different (more conservative?) student demographic might respond quite differently to Moltmann. The main rule is to avoid those books that leave a student nodding in agreement and saying: Ah yes, it’s just as I thought.
Other books have moved me deeply by their power to teach. Athanasius’s On the Incarnation and Calvin’s Institutes are, for me, the highlights in this regard. These great books seem first to alienate students by plunging them into a totally different world and a totally different way of thinking about life. I have never met a student who appreciated anything about Calvin in the first two weeks of reading him. But then, by slow degrees, these books seem to take matters into their own hands and to teach students how to read them. Without ever having to dismiss their prior understanding of the faith, students begin to integrate their own view with the wider vision of the text. They find language and concepts to describe things that before they had only dimly intuited. By a mysterious act of spiritual recognition, it dawns on me that what Calvin is talking about is my faith. Once I have had that epiphany, even my disagreements with Calvin will be meaningful disagreements based on shared commitments, very different from the arbitrary and trivial disagreements of strangers. I always feel that students have begun to think theologically – that they have become theologians – when for the first time they are able to articulate a meaningful disagreement of this kind.
So that is what I will miss the most about Sydney: these many books and the many students who have read them with me. And it’s what I’m looking forward to the most in Brisbane: more books and more of God’s friends to share them with.
There comes a time in a man’s life when what he really wants is to be able to teach Plato and Shakespeare as well as Calvin and Augustine. That time has come for me. So I’ve accepted a job at the Millis Institute, a liberal arts program of CHC in Brisbane. My job will be to direct the various liberal arts degree programs as well as to teach in philosophy, theology, and literature. The classes there involve no lectures and no textbooks. Each class is a Socratic-style discussion of primary sources. That, reader, is my true love and forte, and it’s the same approach that I’ve tried to bring to theological education in Sydney. The first thing I did when I got off the plane in Sydney nine years ago was to abolish all textbooks and to replace them with primary sources. Then I unpacked my bags.
Some of my happiest memories here are of the books that I’ve been able to read and discuss with my students. When I cast my mind back over the years I am astounded at the number of these books, and even more astounded that SVS Press has never paid me a commission for forcing so many students to buy them. The ones I can recall using as class texts include:
- Melito of Sardis, On Pascha
- Athanagoras, Resurrection of the Dead
- Irenaeus, Against the Heresies (books 1 and 3)
- Tertullian, Against Hermogenes
- Clement of Alexandria, Christ the Educator (selections)
- Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks
- Origen, Commentary on John (books 1-10)
- Origen, On Prayer
- Origen, Exhortation to Martyrdom
- Origen, On Pascha
- Origen, Commentary & Homilies on the Song of Songs
- Hans Urs von Balthasar, Spirit and Fire (Origen anthology)
- Athanasius, On the Incarnation
- Athanasius, Letter to Marcellinus (on the Psalms)
- Didymus the Blind, On the Holy Spirit
- Basil, On Social Justice (selection of homilies in the SVS Popular Patristics series)
- Basil, On the Human Condition (ditto)
- Basil, On Fasting and Feasts (ditto)
- Basil, On the Holy Spirit
- Gregory of Nazianzus, Theological Orations
- Gregory of Nazianzus, Festal Orations (selection of homilies the SVS Popular Patristics)
- John Chrysostom, On Marriage and Family Life (ditto)
- Augustine, Confessions
- Augustine, The Trinity
- Augustine, City of God
- Cyril of Alexandria, On the Unity of Christ
- Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae (a few tiny selections)
- Julian of Norwich, Revelations
- Calvin, Institutes (in Elsie McKee’s translation of the 1541 French edition: with this edition available, no teacher can be forgiven for asking students to read so much as a page of Beveridge or McNeill)
- Karl Barth, Epistle to the Romans
- Karl Barth, The Word of God and Theology
- Karl Barth, On Religion: The Revelation of God as the Sublimation of Religion
- Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics IV/1, §59.1
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Discipleship
- H. Richard Niebuhr, Responsibility of the Church for Society (selections)
- James Cone, Black Theology and Black Power
- Jürgen Moltmann, Trinity and the Kingdom
- Jürgen Moltmann, Spirit and Life
- Tom Smail, The Giving Gift: The Holy Spirit in Person
- Catherine LaCugna, God for Us: The Trinity and Christian Life
- Elizabeth Johnson, Consider Jesus: Waves of Renewal in Christology
- James H. Evans, We Have Been Believers: An African American Systematic Theology
- Richard Hays, Moral Vision of the New Testament
- Rainbow Spirit Elders, Rainbow Spirit Theology
- Sarah Coakley, Powers and Submissions (selections)
- Kathryn Tanner, Jesus, Humanity and the Trinity
- Kathryn Tanner, Theories of Culture
- Mark McIntosh, Mystical Theology (selections)
- Mark McIntosh, Discernment and Truth (selections)
- Mark McIntosh, Divine Teaching
- Eugene Rogers, After the Spirit
- Eugene Rogers, The Holy Spirit (anthology of sources)
- Ian McFarland, Creation and Humanity (ditto)
- Alister McGrath, Christian Theology Reader (ditto)
- Sam Wells, Christian Ethics (ditto)
- Ford, Higton, Zahl, Modern Theologians Reader (ditto)
- Amos Yong, The Bible, Disability, and the Church
- Frances Young, God’s Presence: A Contemporary Recapitulation of Early Christianity
- Simon Chan, Grassroots Asian Theology
- Katherine Sonderegger, Systematic Theology volume 1 (selections)
There are other books that I rejected after trying them once in the classroom because they seemed only to mirror back what students already thought (or worse: felt), and therefore provoked no debate and no real learning. In my experience Moltmann’s books are especially egregious for classroom use: though I admit that a different (more conservative?) student demographic might respond quite differently to Moltmann. The main rule is to avoid those books that leave a student nodding in agreement and saying: Ah yes, it’s just as I thought.
Other books have moved me deeply by their power to teach. Athanasius’s On the Incarnation and Calvin’s Institutes are, for me, the highlights in this regard. These great books seem first to alienate students by plunging them into a totally different world and a totally different way of thinking about life. I have never met a student who appreciated anything about Calvin in the first two weeks of reading him. But then, by slow degrees, these books seem to take matters into their own hands and to teach students how to read them. Without ever having to dismiss their prior understanding of the faith, students begin to integrate their own view with the wider vision of the text. They find language and concepts to describe things that before they had only dimly intuited. By a mysterious act of spiritual recognition, it dawns on me that what Calvin is talking about is my faith. Once I have had that epiphany, even my disagreements with Calvin will be meaningful disagreements based on shared commitments, very different from the arbitrary and trivial disagreements of strangers. I always feel that students have begun to think theologically – that they have become theologians – when for the first time they are able to articulate a meaningful disagreement of this kind.
So that is what I will miss the most about Sydney: these many books and the many students who have read them with me. And it’s what I’m looking forward to the most in Brisbane: more books and more of God’s friends to share them with.
Congrats, Ben.
Although I've only encountered your teaching gifts in the "online" world, it is clear that they are impressive.... Best wishes as you decamp to Brisbane. Students there are in for a wonderful adventure!
Ben - it was such a privilege to sit in on your classes and join the discussions. Kerrie and I have been truly blessed by your friendship and sharing. May God go with you. Thank you for your continuing Internet presence - in some small way we can still be involved.
At 75, I see too many titles here I still don't know or know well. Must get busy. What a list! Do you ever ask yourself why you get paid for having so much fun?
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