AAR in San Francisco: some theology panels
So I'm off tomorrow for the AAR meeting in San Francisco – I look forward to seeing some of you there. My own paper explores the problem of time and history in Walter Benjamin, Jacob Taubes and early Christian asceticism – it's part of the following panel:
Explorations in Theology and the Apocalyptic: Jacob Taubes and Christian Theology
Sunday - 6:30 pm-9:00 pm
Room: MM-Sierra C
Christopher Morse, Union Theological Seminary, presiding
- Sam V. Adams: The Apocalyptic Cosmic Imaginary: Time and Space in Taubes, Moltmann, and Barth
- Ben Myers: Jacob Taubes: Apocalyptic Time and the Retreat from History
- David Congdon: Eschatologizing Apocalyptic: A Reconsideration of the Messianic Event
- Virgil Bower: Embodied Eschatology: Jacob Taubes on Paul, Marx and Kierkegaard
Here are some other panels that look promising. I hope at least to get along to some of these! If you know about any other interesting panels, or if you're presenting something yourself, let us know in the comments:
Feminist Theory and Religious Reflection Group and Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements Group: Holy Spirit, Power, and Feminist Subjectivity in Pentecostalism
Monday - 9:00 am-11:30 am
Room: CC-3016
Sammy Alfaro, Grand Canyon University, presiding
- Janice Rees: Subject to Spirit: The Promise of Pentecostal Feminist Pneumatology and Its Witness to Systematics
- Saunia Powell: Pentecostal Articulations of Feminist Theory
- Lisa Stephenson: An Emerging Pentecostal–Feminist Theological Anthropology: North America and Beyond
- Pamela Holmes: Towards Useable Categories of “Women’s Experiences” and “Power”: A Canadian Pentecostal Feminist Considers the Work of Margaret Kamitsuka and Kwok Pui Lan
Friday - 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Room: MM-Sierra H
Eastern Orthodox Studies Group: Syriac Patristic Literature and Spirituality
Saturday - 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Room: MM-Golden Gate C1
Paul Gavrilyuk, University of Saint Thomas, presiding
- Thomas Cattoi: A Garment of Metaphors? Incarnation as “Borrowed Speech” in the Poetry of Ephrem the Syrian
- David Belcher: The Veiled Mysteries in the Testamentum Domini
- Liza Anderson: The Interpretation of Dionysius the Areopagite in the Works of John of Dara
- Christopher Johnson: "Base, but Nevertheless Holy": Lessons in Liminality from Symeon of Emessa
Friday - 1:30 pm-3:30 pm
Room: IC-Pacific Terrace
This meeting of the Explorations in Theology and Apocalyptic working group will feature a paper presented by Peter Kline and Nathan Kerr, entitled "God." The presentation will be followed by a response from Phil Ziegler and open discussion.
Augustine and Augustinianisms Group: Lewis Ayres's Augustine and the Trinity and the History of Our Shifting Understandings of the Christian Trinity
Saturday - 4:00 pm-6:30 pm
Room: CC-3003
Paul R. Kolbet, Wellesley, MA, presiding
- Michel Rene Barnes, Marquette University
- John Slotemaker, Boston College
- Sarah Coakley, University of Cambridge
- Responding: Lewis Ayres, Durham University
Saturday - 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Room: HI-Golden Gate 1
Therese Lysaught, Marquette University, presiding
- Alan Padgett, Luther Seminary
- Danielle Nussberger, Marquette University
- Responding: Sarah Coakley, Cambridge University
Saturday - 6:30 pm-9:00 pm
Room: PW-Sutro
Doug Harink, King’s University College, presiding
- Joel Marcus, Duke University
- Ched Myers, Bartemaeus Co-operative Ministries
- Craig Keen, Azusa Pacific University
- Laura C. Sweat, Seattle Pacific University
Sunday - 1:00 pm-2:30 pm
Room: MM-Yerba Buena 10
Douglas Hedley, University of Cambridge, presiding
- John Dillon, Trinity College, Dublin
- John Kenney, Saint Michael's College
- John Bussanich, University of New Mexico
- Sara Rappe, University of Michigan
Friday - 4:00 pm-6:30 pm
Room: CC-2011
George Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary, Presiding
- Matthew Puffer: Revisiting Karth Barth's Ethics of War
- Jessica De Cou: “Serious” Questions about “True Words” in Culture: Against Dogmatics IV/3 as the Source for Barth's Theology of Culture
Friday - 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Room: MM-Pacific H
Karl Barth Society Of North America
Book Panel Discussion: Paul D. Molnar, Thomas F. Torrance: Theologian of the Trinity
Saturday - 9:00 am-11:30 am
Room: CC-3005
George Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary, presiding
- Gary Deddo, InterVarsity Press
- Ivor Davidson, University of St. Andrews
- Alan J. Torrance, University of St. Andrews
- Responding: Paul D. Molnar, St. John's University, New York
Tuesday - 9:00 am-11:30 am
Room: MM-Sierra K
Paul R. Kolbet, presiding
- Stephanie Frank: Using Theology to Undo Theology: Mauss's Subversion of Augustinian Moral Psychology in The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies
- Matthew Drever: Reassessing Augustine’s Anthropology in Light of Recent Scholarly Trends
- Jeffrey McCurry: De- and Re-centering Augustine: A Nietzschean Reading of Confessions beyond Platonism
- Sean Larsen: Augustine for Denaturalized Societies: Two Types of Decentered Augustinianisms
Sunday - 1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Room: HI-Continental Ballroom 2
Joel Scandrett, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, presiding
- Stanley Hauerwas, Duke University
- Vigen Gurioian, University of Virginia
- Respondent: Peter Leithart, New Saint Andrews College
If you are able to attend the panel discussion of Coakley's God, Sexuality, and the Self, and the (actual) publication date of this long expected volume is announced, please share such information with us.
At Sunday at 9am there will be a panel on After the Postsecular and the Postmodern featuring Daniel Whistler, Daniel Barber, Rocco Gangle, and Bradley A Johnson. Ken Surin and Joshua Ramey will be responding and I will be presiding. The volume is a decleration of independence for a number of people dealing with thinking through and with theological material. Feel free to drop in for some discussion, which may be heated, but always good.
I am very interested in your paper on Benjamin, any chance I can get a copy or will you post it here? Also, like to see how the conversation between Hauerwas and Leithart goes, maybe yoiu could 'live blog' it for us? obliged.
i m just looking for the blogs... i found it here.. thnx for sharing.
An interesting blog here may i thank you – i have since bookmarked this site.
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